the meaning

mlampah (Javanese) means to step, to walk. The word depicts a destination which is wanted to be acquired, either quickly or slowly, pleasant or unpleasant. It also portrays a process, an effort to achieve, a movement.

For an adult to walk is a very easy measure because they battered to learnt it; but for a toddler this could be a pleasant as well as a painstaking process: they will fall, they will fall headlong against a wall or merely a floor, but their curiosity for life encourages them to overcome the pains.

Like a child learning to walk; the articles on this website will be written down, partially deleted, and then added here and there words or sentences that more accurately describe the atmosphere that is happening right now right here -anytime anywhere-.

A person may be intelligent as high as the sky, but as long as they do not write, they will be lost in society and from history. Writing is work for eternity.

Pramoedya Ananta Toer
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